Debate With Children

Hello everyone,

We are doing Community Engagement Projects (CEP) for our ENG102 course and we have to spent at least 12 hours for this project. I chose Debate for Children. We came together three times. Our mentors talked about debating techniques, made small debate and we were ready for sharing our experiences with our kids. I had an amazing eight hours with my kids and I want you to feel the same happiness that I feel. If I had to describe my Community Engagement Project  with three words, I would say funny, surprising and sharing.

My experience was funny because spending time with children was amazing. We discussed several subjects such as ‘Which one is more important for education? Family or School’ , ‘Which one do you prefer? Living in a big city or in a village.’ and ‘Which one is more effective in developing imagination? Reading or watching TV.’Listening their ideas about this questions are funny! We had a really good time while we were sharing our ideas.


Making debates with 13-year old children was suprising because even if they are 13 years old and even if they did not join a debate before (some of them had got an experience) they surpise me with their intelligence, knowledge and with the way their thinking. They were like an adult. Seeing that they are doing debate with an ambition makes me really happy.


My experience was sharing because I spent a lot of time with my kids and we share our thoughts about debate topics, we made researches in library, we talked about our life experiences. I love sharing my knowledge with other people. Especially doing something good for children is really important. Because they are our future. With this project we encourage them, they will become more responsible, well-informed, enlightened individuals.


I always wanted to do something good for children. Helping them for their education is one of them. We didn’t just teach how to make debate, we also teach that how to make researches, how to use library resources.They can use these techniques all the time.

Actually, I  enrolled to this children for debate project by mistake. I was trying to enroll to street games but debate just showed up. I felt anxious because I had got just one debate experience and it was in primary school. I was worried because I really want to teach something useful for them. But then I realized that our mentors were ready to train us. I was really relieved after hearing it.

Honestly if I had to do Community Engagement Project again, I wouldn’t choose children for debate project again. It’s not because I didn’t like the project -I liked and enjoyed a lot- It’s because I want to try other projects. Because we are not just teach something to the kids, we also improve ourselves too. I want to help children as much as I can but I believe that if I try new things, it will be more helpful for me and also for kids too. I want to explore my abilities. Because of these reasons, I wouldn’t choose the same project again but I will definitely recommend debate project to my friends- Actually I already did it! It was worth to do it!


It was really hard to decide when and where will be the competition take place. Approximately 40 people have signed up for this project and finding the perfect time slot for us and for kids (they were coming from Nişantepe Secondary School) quite difficult. After several date changes, we have decided on April 17. They came to our university and debates took place in Engineering Faculty.

We had got breaks between debates. While we were on a break, we ate sandwiches, drank juices, played games, sang songs… It’s really nice to see that children were happy and they spent really good and quality time with us.





At the end of an exhausting -but also enjoyable- eight-hour experience, we determine the winners and gave our gifts.

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My personal opinion is now we are doing these Community Engagement Projects for passing ENG102 course. Even if we enjoyed spending time with children, there are some benefits behind it. Yes, Community Engagement Projects are useful but I believe that if we do these projects with an 100% voluntariness, it will be more beautiful. No benefits, yes volunteering!

Thank you so much for reading my blog and let me to share my experiences with you! Have a nice day!

Lots of love,
